Current Members

Collaborators And Affiliated Labs

Campbell-Station Lab - Princeton University

Carling Lab - University of Wyoming

Good Lab - University of Montana

Lovette Lab - Cornell University

McClelland Lab - McMaster University

Rice Lab - Lehigh University

Scott Lab - McMaster University

Senner Lab - University of South Carolina

Storz Lab - University of Nebraska

Taylor Lab - University of Colorado, Boulder

Velotta Lab - University of Denver

vonHoldt Lab - Princeton University

Woods Lab - University of Montana

Gone but not forgotten...

Ana Paula Assis (Postdoc 2022, now assistant Professor, Universidade de São Paulo)

Kate Wilsterman (Postdoc 2019 - 2022, now assistant professor, Colorado State University)

Rena Schweizer (Postdoc 2017 - 2023, now computational biologist, USDA)

Cole Wolf (PhD, 2022, now postdoc University of Wisconsin)

Jon Velotta (Postdoc 2015-2020, now assistant professor, University of Denver)

Maria Stager (MS 2014, PhD 2020, now assistant professor, UMass Amherst)

Nathan Senner (Postdoc 2016 - 2019, now assistant professor, UMass Amherst)

Nicholas Sly (PhD 2019, Research Scientist Cornell Lab of Ornithology)

Shane Campbell-Staton (postdoc 2015 - 2018, now assistant professor, Princeton)

Phred Benham (PhD 2018, now postdoc, UC Berkeley)

Henry Pollock (PhD 2015, now postdoc, University of Illinois)